Wrestling/Judo Takedowns
Takedowns that are introduced in both our BJJ and MMA classes are key in developing a well rounded game. Wrestling and Judo are undoubtably the best grappling arts to develop your takedown skills. You will learn techniques that will compliment both Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and MMA.
What are the benefits?
- Learn takedowns effective for self-defense and competition
- Defend against takedown attempts
- Learn in a humble and ego-free atmosphere
How do I get started?
Call 770-271-5292 or contact us to schedule your FREE introductory class. This class includes a 45 minute session that teaches you the basic techniques of takedowns in our BJJ & MMA classes. You will also receive a free consultation to see what programs you are looking for and what classes are for you.

What our students are saying…
“After spending the last 6 to 7 years at the “Fitness Chains” I have never obtained results I get from your Fitness Kickboxing and Total Body Fitness Classes. Without your help, it is doubtful I would be in the best shape of my life. I look forward to many more years.“ John Casey
“Crieghton MMA is framed by some very awesome instructors and students. Very respectful of each other and the craft that they're learning.“ Jason Jones